Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 1: Realization

For all of my life, I have played sports.  Whether it was defending my team in soccer, or playing middy for lacrosse, I was constantly in season, training, and practicing.  And growing up, I never really had to worry about my weight because I was always the "thin" girl, even though I sometimes couldn't see it.  Once college hit, it felt awesome to not have any responsibly to a team for once.  No responsibility for getting in shape for the team.  No stress coming from my bitch of a coach.  No guilt of making a wrong pass or letting someone go to goal.  This "care-free" ness, along with the dorm style of living, party life of college, and the excess stress from the loads of studying packed on weight like I would have never guessed.  I went into college weighing around 127 pounds, which I thought was a lot at the time.  I am 5'7'', so in reality, it was a great weight.  The worst point of my health was when the first semester was over.  I weighed over 150 pounds.  Yeah... what the hell right?  I thought they called it the freshman 15 not the freshman 23..

After a good winter break, and a much needed change of my impossible pre-med major, I realized that I needed to start getting more serious about my health because I was never the fat girl before and I never intend to be.  Health has been such a big part of my life and I truly do hold it heavily in my life.   So I joined a separate gym outside of school, and even started doing a work out program/ bootcamp with some Sig Eps at Fsu that train sorority girls.  That really helped. But by the end, I chickened out and stopped going.  I also signed up for two personal training sessions a month at Golds, but that doesn't do much if you aren't doing the rest yourself.  I wavered off and on with physical fitness the second semester and even though I was a much happier person, summer break has arrived, and I really haven't done much besides sit on my ass all day, falling in and out of sleep, and watching the oh so addicting One Tree Hill.

I am all for having some lazy days, but my personal kind of motto is to get out there and live life.  I know time is limited and I want to have the best experience possible, which is why I have started this blog to myself because from now on, I want to be healthy.  This includes eating well, staying hydrated, exercising daily, and just enjoying life and the summer.  I thought that this blog would help me stay accountable for my actions.  I want to look like what I once did, only healthier.  I want to do it for myself mainly, but also to impress my friends and boys, duh.   I am an open person and I will say what I feel.  I do want my perfect man and if that means looking sexy, which will also make me happy, and also studying hard and being healthy, then fuck yeah am I for it.

Right now, I weigh 153 pounds.  When I go back to FSU, I would love to be around 130.   And yes, I will be working down the shore in the worst possible place for a person trying to loose weight, a coffee and bagel shop, but I really want to do this.  It is the best thing for me and my future.

So Bring it On..

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